Friday, 3 May 2019

DFI: Week 6 Reflection

  • There is a strong focus on being Connected through the Manaiakalani pedagogy.
  • History of being visible (founders included a few primary schools in Tamaki, Auckland) who formed a connected network. Geographically close location and diverse groups of learning. For e.g. special school, Kura, colleges, intermediate combined with primary. Teachers are able to connect with colleagues in regards to doing, teaching and thinking.
Outreach clusters began in 2015 within Manaiakalani network (there are now 11).
Bi-lingual communities with Te Reo immersion have an advantage of Tikanga practice in their
own environment - for example Otaki 50% of townspeople speak Te Reo Maori.
Implementation of Manaiakalani pedagogy throughout the school year. Term 1: Learn, Term 2: Create, Term 3: Share,
Term 4: Bring all of them together (Innovate & Accelerate).
Students able to use the technology and relate to each other using blog posts/comments.
Some teachers create a Twitter feed for adults to access their child’s learning.
Harness the power of this technology to make connections about student learning.
Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu - communicate with other primary schools connect via class/individual blogs using safe

The four elements of the kaupapa/pedagogy have to be used together in order for them to be effective: connected,
empowered, visible. This is part of the evolving cycle that exists within the Manaiakalani philopsophy.
  • Exploring examples of class sites:
Usable sites: 3 clicks or less. How are students going to get there and use it efficiently?
Think about the visual appeal, what is working or not working? Refer to teacher
feedback/critique on Google sites used for student learning in schools. Finally I also participated
in a Google survey on analysing Class sites and giving feedback to my cohort colleagues.
My feed forward is that I will be more mindful in the future about linking my class sites to make
them clearly visible and user friendly for my students. This is usually done during the school holidays in preparation for the following school term.

1 comment:

  1. KIa ora Sonali
    It is interesting to watch your fluency develop as you share on this blog.
    Your Site is looking good and it is lovely that you had time today to explore and develop more content.
