Monday, 17 May 2021

Inquiry focus for 2021

I plan to lift the achievement in Maths as a Curriculum area with a focus on language acquisition. I will plan for the needs of 3 varied groups of mixed abilities including boys and girls. I aim to identify what strategies they need to learn and gaps that are identified after carrying out a JAM test on each indiviudal student. A significant number of children in my class (30%) have recently been tested on their cognitive skills from the LEAP research and came out with low knowledge in mathematical concepts such as positional language. For e.g. they can not order in sequence, identify first, second, third or even seriate from smallest to biggest. They need to practice using language to describe maths such as "the goat is at the top of the hill and the snake is at the bottom". These are areas which I will plan for in my weekly plans and long term plans to coincide with the National Curriculum content that is covered each term. Term 1's focus was on Number Knowledge/ Basic Facts, Term 2 is on Measurement and Geometry. I have also identified six children as Priority Learners who are going to be monitored closely and assessed according to their ability in time for the end of term reports. I aim to use a combination of DMiC (problem solving using a cultural lense and Number knowledge) to teach the children these strategies in addition, subtraction, mutliplication and skip counting. I aim to provide maths resources on a daily basis for children to find answers and learn strategies for specific learning intentions.