Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Respect for each other in Level 3!

We have two children in Rm 24 who come from the Burmese culture and they speak different languages at home. So when I greet Myu San and Nadi I say "Minglabar" to them which means "may this day be filled with blessings". I think that this is such an appropriate greeting for this period of lockdown that we find ourselves in. Our school value is all about Hope and I hope that we can all continue to be kind and look after each other at home. So keep helping out with jobs around the house, clean your bedroom, do some baking or cooking and don't forget to do some Home learning each day and join in a Hangout with your teachers and friends! Take care and stay safe in your Bubbles. I do miss you all dearly. Arohanui from Mrs Carter.

Saturday, 25 April 2020

We will remember them...

My family and I woke up early and joined in the "Stand for Dawn" service, next to our letterbox as we listened to the "Last Post" being played on the bugle on Radio NZ. I remembered my grandfather who served in WW2 as an Infantry officer from 1939 - 1946. I was lucky enough to visit Gallipoli in Turkey in 2000 amongst thousands of other New Zealanders and Australians and take part in the Dawn service at Chunuk Bair. I also got to meet Prime Minister at the time Helen Clark on that occasion. They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn; At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, We will remember them.

Friday, 24 April 2020

Participation and feedback of an ENGAGE game!

Hey Miss Carter. Its me Finau and Catherine and I played your engage called Jack in the box. You told us to sit on the ground and start forming yourself into a little box. After that you told us to pop out. Catherine just started laughing and I was like what so funny and she said she laughed because of how you were jumping and how she was jumping.I think that was the best game for Catherine. What was your favourite engage game? Take care From Finau.

Participation feedback of ENGAGE during the lockdown!

Hi Miss Carter, its me Finau and just want to say what an amazing idea to do yoga during the lockdown. Me and my sister Catherine checked it out and we saw you doing yoga. We loved all the poses you did. My favourite yoga pose was V shape one and Catherine loved the Lion pose. What was your favourite pose? Stay safe in your bubble, From Finau.

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Making a lava lamp for our Year 2 learners!

I made this using ingredients found in my house...I hope you have fun trying this during lockdown?

Monday, 20 April 2020

MIT research connections

So I had the privilege to meet with Jimmy McLauchlan via a Zoom call last week and wanted to share our meaningful korero around the value of the ENGAGE program that he has been involved with over the past 5 years of research. Since implementing the ENGAGE program over a 7 week period, prior to lockdown I have found that the children's engagement, interest and participation has definitely increased. I explained to Jimmy that I regularly use relaxation breathing techniques with my students as it helps them to calm down and refocus before structured learning takes place throughout the day. I try to use at least one game on a busy day and up to 30 mins of games in total which is the recommendation in order for this program to be effective. I often find that the students need to have a game to participate in during "transition times" throughout the day as well as when they get hungry before scheduled meal breaks such as morning tea and lunchtime. We discussed how much teachers are finding the games useful and how their students are responding to them throughout the day as they do require some preparation. I also shared my Google survey that I have created and am looking forward to reviewing the results. I can relate to the purpose of combining a child's holistic well-being with learning self-regulations skills in order to interact with their peers and manage themselves independently in a school environment. I shared some ideas around future games which could include Te Reo Maori and Pasifika games, language with a focus on cultural observances that the children are experienced with in their home environment and then make translations on new cards so teachers can use them in the classroom. I'm looking forward to this new direction and hope to use them when we can return to school life again. Depending on whether New Zealand comes out of Level 4 lockdown in response to COVID - 19? Kia kaha, stay safe in your Bubbles.

Making a volcano for Year 2 learners!

Thursday, 16 April 2020

MIT: research continues...

So despite New Zealand being in national lockdown for a 30 day period; I decided to take my MIT research on a slightly different tack and record the teachers experience of their involvement with ENGAGE in the classroom prior to the COVID - 19 epidemic. I created a Google Form survey which asks questions pertaining to games played/used in the classroom and the initial responses that children have made? I will collate these answers in their graph formations once all the teachers who participated in the ENGAGE PLD workshops have submitted their form to me. Then I will include this data collection as part of my feedback in the final presentation of my research towards the end of this year.

Thursday, 9 April 2020

ENGAGE game: 5,4,3,2,1

For this game you will need to find something that you can eat and place it near you; such as a piece of fruit and also something that you can smell such as a flower from the garden. Here are the instructions for this game: